Publications 2021
Alferink LJM, Radjabzadeh D, Erler NS, Vojinovic D, Medina-Gomez C, Uitterlinden AG, de Knegt RJ, Amin N, Ikram MA, Janssen HLA, Kiefte-de Jong JC, Metselaar HJ, van Duijn CM, Kraaij R, Darwish Murad S. Microbiomics, Metabolomics, Predicted Metagenomics, and Hepatic Steatosis in a Population-Based Study of 1,355 Adults. Hepatology. 2021;73(3):968-82.
Angyal D, Bijvelds MJC, Bruno MJ, Peppelenbosch MP, de Jonge HR. Bicarbonate Transport in Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreatitis. Cells. 2021;11(1).
Arkenbosch JHC, Mak JWY, Ho JCL, Beelen EMJ, Erler NS, Hoentjen F, Bodelier AGL, Dijkstra G, Romberg-Camps M, de Boer NKH, Stassen LPS, van der Meulen AE, West R, van Ruler O, van der Woude CJ, Ng SC, de Vries AC. Indications, Postoperative Management, and Long-Term Prognosis of Crohn's Disease after Ileocecal Resection: A Multicentre Study Comparing the East and West. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2021.
Ayada I, van Kleef LA, Alferink LJM, Li P, de Knegt RJ, Pan Q. Systematically Comparing Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Mafld and Nafld by Meta-Analysis: Focusing on the Non-Overlap Groups. Liver Int. 2021.
Bardi E, Mulder RL, van Dalen EC, Bhatt NS, Ruble KA, Burgis J, Castellino SM, Constine LS, den Hoed CM, Green DM, Koot BGP, Levitt G, Szonyi L, Wallace WH, Skinner R, Hudson MM, Kremer LCM, Effinger KE, Bresters D. Late Hepatic Toxicity Surveillance for Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: Recommendations from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group. Cancer Treat Rev. 2021;100:102296.
Beelen EMJ, van der Woude CJ, Pierik MJ, Hoentjen F, de Boer NK, Oldenburg B, van der Meulen AE, Ponsioen CIJ, Dijkstra G, Bruggink AH, Erler NS, Schouten WR, de Vries AC, Dutch Initiative on Cs, Colitis. Decreasing Trends in Intestinal Resection and Re-Resection in Crohn's Disease: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Ann Surg. 2021;273(3):557-63.
Beudeker BJB, Groothuismink ZMA, de Man RA, Witjes CDM, van der Eijk AA, Boonstra A, Sonneveld MJ. Hepatitis B Core-Related Antigen Levels Predict Recurrence-Free Survival in Patients with Hbv-Associated Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Results from a Dutch Long-Term Follow-up Study. J Viral Hepat. 2021;28(1):205-8.
Beudeker BJB, Janssen HLA, Boonstra A. Letter to the Editor: Entecavir Treatment Restores the Anti-Hbv Immune Response? Hepatology. 2021;74(4):2325-6.
Beudeker BJB, Voermans JJC, GeurtsvanKessel CH, de Knegt RJ, Kuhlemann T, Boonstra A, van der Eijk AA. Prevalence of Hepatitis Delta Virus among Chronic Hepatitis B Carriers in a Large Tertiary Center in the Netherlands. J Clin Virol. 2021;141:104870.
Beumer BR, Buettner S, Galjart B, van Vugt JLA, de Man RA, JNM IJ, Koerkamp BG. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Validated Prognostic Models for Resected Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021.
Beumer BR, de Wilde RF, Metselaar HJ, de Man RA, Polak WG, Ijzermans JNM. The Treatment Effect of Liver Transplantation Versus Liver Resection for Hcc: A Review and Future Perspectives. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(15).
Biewenga M, Verhelst X, Baven-Pronk M, Putter H, van den Berg AP, van Nieuwkerk K, van Buuren HR, Bouma G, de Boer YS, Simoen C, Colle I, Schouten J, Sermon F, van Steenkiste C, van Vlierberghe H, van der Meer AJ, Nevens F, van Hoek B, Dutch Autoimmune Hepatitis Study G. Development and Validation of a Prognostic Score for Long-Term Transplant-Free Survival in Autoimmune Hepatitis Type 1. United European Gastroenterol J. 2021;9(6):662-71.
Borren NZ, Paulides E, Frinack JL, Olson RN, Willrich MAV, van der Woude CJ, Ananthakrishnan AN. Infliximab Trough Levels Are Not Predictive of Relapse in Patients with Ibd in Endoscopic Remission: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Dig Dis Sci. 2021;66(10):3548-54.
Bouzid R, de Beijer MTA, Luijten RJ, Bezstarosti K, Kessler AL, Bruno MJ, Peppelenbosch MP, Demmers JAA, Buschow SI. Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Computational Hla Binding as an Early Filter to the Mass Spectrometry-Based Epitope Discovery Workflow. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(10).
Boxhoorn L, Fritzsche JA, Fockens P, van Hooft JE, de Jonge PJF, Poley JW, Bruno MJ, Voermans RP. Clinical Outcome of Endoscopic Treatment for Symptomatic Sterile Walled-Off Necrosis. Endoscopy. 2021;53(2):136-44.
Boxhoorn L, Timmerhuis HC, Verdonk RC, Besselink MG, Bollen TL, Bruno MJ, Elmunzer BJ, Fockens P, Horvath KD, van Santvoort HC, Voermans RP, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Duct Disruption or Disconnection: An International Expert Survey and Case Vignette Study. HPB (Oxford). 2021;23(8):1201-8.
Boxhoorn L, van Dijk SM, van Grinsven J, Verdonk RC, Boermeester MA, Bollen TL, Bouwense SAW, Bruno MJ, Cappendijk VC, Dejong CHC, van Duijvendijk P, van Eijck CHJ, Fockens P, Francken MFG, van Goor H, Hadithi M, Hallensleben NDL, Haveman JW, Jacobs M, Jansen JM, Kop MPM, van Lienden KP, Manusama ER, Mieog JSD, Molenaar IQ, Nieuwenhuijs VB, Poen AC, Poley JW, van de Poll M, Quispel R, Romkens TEH, Schwartz MP, Seerden TC, Stommel MWJ, Straathof JWA, Timmerhuis HC, Venneman NG, Voermans RP, van de Vrie W, Witteman BJ, Dijkgraaf MGW, van Santvoort HC, Besselink MG, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Immediate Versus Postponed Intervention for Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(15):1372-81.
Brakenhoff SM, de Man RA, Boonstra A, van Campenhout MJH, de Knegt RJ, van Bommel F, van der Eijk AA, Berg T, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA, Sonneveld MJ. Hepatitis B Virus Rna Decline without Concomitant Viral Antigen Decrease Is Associated with a Low Probability of Sustained Response and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Loss. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2021;53(2):314-20.
Brakenhoff SM, de Man RA, de Knegt RJ, Janssen HLA, Sonneveld MJ. Editorial: Hbv Cure-the Quest for Biomarkers to Predict Off-Treatment Sustained Response. Authors' Reply. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2021;53(4):555-6.
Canena J, Lopes L, Fernandes J, Costa P, Arvanitakis M, Koch AD, Poley JW, Jimenez J, Dominguez-Munoz E, Familiari P, Bruno MJ, Dinis-Ribeiro M. Influence of a Novel Classification of the Papilla of Vater on the Outcome of Needle-Knife Fistulotomy for Biliary Cannulation. BMC Gastroenterol. 2021;21(1):147.
Choi HSJ, Sonneveld MJ, Farag MS, Brouwer WP, Brakenhoff SM, Hirode G, Gehring AJ, de Man RA, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA. Effects of on-Treatment Alt Flares on Serum Hbsag and Hbv Rna in Patients with Chronic Hbv Infection. J Viral Hepat. 2021;28(12):1729-37.
Choi HSJ, van Campenhout MJH, van Vuuren AJ, Krassenburg LAP, Sonneveld MJ, de Knegt RJ, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA. Ultra-Long-Term Follow-up of Interferon Alfa Treatment for Hbeag-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021;19(9):1933-40 e1.
de Goede B, van Rooijen MMJ, van Kempen BJH, Polak WG, de Man RA, Taimr P, Lange JF, Metselaar HJ, Kazemier G. Conservative Treatment Versus Elective Repair of Umbilical Hernia in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Ascites: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (Crucial Trial). Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2021;406(1):219-25.
de Jong DM, Stassen PM, Poley JW, Fockens P, Timmer R, Voermans RP, Verdonk RC, Bruno MJ, de Jonge PJF. Clinical Outcome of Endoscopic Therapy in Patients with Symptomatic Pancreas Divisum: A Dutch Cohort Study. Endosc Int Open. 2021;9(7):E1164-E70.
de Klaver W, Wisse PHA, van Wifferen F, Bosch LJW, Jimenez CR, van der Hulst RWM, Fijneman RJA, Kuipers EJ, Greuter MJE, Carvalho B, Spaander MCW, Dekker E, Coupe VMH, de Wit M, Meijer GA. Clinical Validation of a Multitarget Fecal Immunochemical Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening : A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Study. Ann Intern Med. 2021;174(9):1224-31.
de Mattos AZ, Debes JD, Boonstra A, Yang JD, Balderramo DC, Sartori GDP, de Mattos AA. Current Impact of Viral Hepatitis on Liver Cancer Development: The Challenge Remains. World J Gastroenterol. 2021;27(24):3556-67.
De Ridder F, Sonneveld MJ, Lenz O, Janssen HLA, Talloen W, Hansen BE. Mean Hbsag Decline at Week 24 of Peg-Ifn-Based Treatment Predicts Subsequent Rate of Hbsag Clearance - Suggesting a Valuable Endpoint for Early Development Hbv Trials. J Viral Hepat. 2021;28(11):1563-9.
de Veer RC, da Silva G, van Hooff MC, Harms MH, Metselaar HJ, Willemse J, Utomo E, van der Meer AJ. Measurement Properties of the Pbc-40 and Pbc-27: A Dutch Validation Study. BMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2021;8(1).
Debes JD, Romagnoli PA, Prieto J, Arrese M, Mattos AZ, Boonstra A, On Behalf Of The Escalon C. Serum Biomarkers for the Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(7).
Eikenboom EL, van der Werf-'t Lam AS, Rodriguez-Girondo M, Van Asperen CJ, Dinjens WNM, Hofstra RMW, Van Leerdam ME, Morreau H, Spaander MCW, Wagner A, Nielsen M. Universal Immunohistochemistry for Lynch Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 58,580 Colorectal Carcinomas. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021.
Eikenboom EL, van Doorn HC, Dinjens WNM, Dubbink HJ, Geurts-Giele WRR, Spaander MCW, Tops CMJ, Wagner A, Goverde A. Gynecological Surveillance and Surgery Outcomes in Dutch Lynch Syndrome Carriers. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(3).
Enigma European Network For The Investigation Of Gastrointestinal Mucosal A, Tran-Nguyen T, Fernandez-Esparrach G, Ash S, Balaguer F, Bird-Lieberman EL, Cordova H, Dzerve Z, Fassan M, Leja M, Lyutakov I, Middelburg T, Moreira L, Nakov R, Nieuwenburg SAV, O'Connor A, Realdon S, De Schepper H, Smet A, Spaander MCW, Tolmanis I, Urbonas T, Weigt J, Hold GL, Link A, Kupcinskas J, Alterations EENftIoGM. Biopsy Sampling in Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Survey from 10 Tertiary Referral Centres across Europe. Dig Dis. 2021;39(3):179-89.
Eyck BM, van der Wilk BJ, Noordman BJ, Wijnhoven BPL, Lagarde SM, Hartgrink HH, Coene P, Dekker JWT, Doukas M, van der Gaast A, Heisterkamp J, Kouwenhoven EA, Nieuwenhuijzen GAP, Pierie JEN, Rosman C, van Sandick JW, van der Sangen MJC, Sosef MN, van der Zaag ES, Spaander MCW, Valkema R, Lingsma HF, Steyerberg EW, van Lanschot JJB, group SA-s. Updated Protocol of the Sano Trial: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial Comparing Surgery with Active Surveillance after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Oesophageal Cancer. Trials. 2021;22(1):345.
Farag MS, van Campenhout MJH, Pfefferkorn M, Fischer J, Deichsel D, Boonstra A, van Vuuren AJ, Ferenci P, Feld JJ, Berg T, Hansen BE, van Bommel F, Janssen HLA. Hepatitis B Virus Rna as Early Predictor for Response to Pegylated Interferon Alpha in Hbeag-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B. Clin Infect Dis. 2021;72(2):202-11.
Fritzsche JA, Fockens P, Barthet M, Bruno MJ, Carr-Locke DL, Costamagna G, Cote GA, Deprez PH, Giovannini M, Haber GB, Hawes RH, Hyun JJ, Itoi T, Iwasaki E, Kylanpaa L, Neuhaus H, Park JY, Reddy DN, Sakai A, Bourke MJ, Voermans RP. Expert Consensus on Endoscopic Papillectomy Using a Delphi Process. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021;94(4):760-73 e18.
Geerdes EE, Sideras K, Aziz MH, van Eijck CH, Bruno MJ, Sprengers D, Boor PPC, Kwekkeboom J. Cancer Cell B7-H3 Expression Is More Prevalent in the Pancreato-Biliary Subtype of Ampullary Cancer Than in Pancreatic Cancer. Front Oncol. 2021;11:615691.
Goet JC, Murillo Perez CF, Harms MH, Floreani A, Cazzagon N, Bruns T, Prechter F, Dalekos GN, Verhelst X, Gatselis NK, Lindor KD, Lammers WJ, Gulamhusein A, Reig A, Carbone M, Nevens F, Hirschfield GM, van der Meer AJ, van Buuren HR, Hansen BE, Pares A, Group GPS. A Comparison of Prognostic Scores (Mayo, Uk-Pbc, and Globe) in Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021;116(7):1514-22.
Goetgebuer RL, Kreijne JE, Aitken CA, Dijkstra G, Hoentjen F, de Boer NK, Oldenburg B, van der Meulen AE, Ponsioen CIJ, Pierik MJ, van Kemenade FJ, de Kok I, Siebers AG, Mannien J, van der Woude CJ, de Vries AC. Increased Risk of High-Grade Cervical Neoplasia in Women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case-Controlled Cohort Study. J Crohns Colitis. 2021;15(9):1464-73.
Gorris M, Bruno MJ, Cahen DL, Fockens P, van Santvoort HC, van Hooft JE, Besselink MG. [Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms: A Clinical Dilemma] Neoplastische Cysten Van Het Pancreas. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2021;164.
Gotink AW, Peters Y, Bruno MJ, Siersema PD, Koch AD. Nonthermal Resection Device for Ablation of Barrett's Esophagus: A Feasibility and Safety Study. Endoscopy. 2021.
Gotink AW, van de Ven SEM, Ten Kate FJC, Nieboer D, Suzuki L, Weusten B, Brosens LAA, van Hillegersberg R, Alvarez Herrero L, Seldenrijk CA, Alkhalaf A, Moll FCP, Schoon EJ, van Lijnschoten I, Tang TJ, van der Valk H, Nagengast WB, Kats-Ugurlu G, Plukker JTM, Houben M, van der Laan JS, Pouw RE, Bergman J, Meijer SL, van Berge Henegouwen MI, Wijnhoven BPL, de Jonge PJF, Doukas M, Bruno MJ, Biermann K, Koch AD. Individual Risk Calculator to Predict Lymph Node Metastases in Patients with Submucosal (T1b) Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Endoscopy. 2021.
Hallensleben ND, Timmerhuis HC, Hollemans RA, Pocornie S, van Grinsven J, van Brunschot S, Bakker OJ, van der Sluijs R, Schwartz MP, van Duijvendijk P, Romkens T, Stommel MWJ, Verdonk RC, Besselink MG, Bouwense SAW, Bollen TL, van Santvoort HC, Bruno MJ, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Optimal Timing of Cholecystectomy after Necrotising Biliary Pancreatitis. Gut. 2021.
Hubers LM, Schuurman AR, Buijs J, Mostafavi N, Bruno MJ, Vermeulen RCH, Huss A, van Buuren HR, Beuers U. Blue-Collar Work Is a Risk Factor for Developing Igg4-Related Disease of the Biliary Tract and Pancreas. JHEP Rep. 2021;3(6):100385.
Isfordink CJ, Maan R, de Man RA, van Erpecum KJ, van der Meer AJ. Should We Continue Surveillance for Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Gastroesophageal Varices in Patients with Cirrhosis and Cured Hcv Infection? Eur J Intern Med. 2021;94:6-14.
Janmaat VT, Nesteruk K, Spaander MCW, Verhaar AP, Yu B, Silva RA, Phillips WA, Magierowski M, van de Winkel A, Stadler HS, Sandoval-Guzman T, van der Laan LJW, Kuipers EJ, Smits R, Bruno MJ, Fuhler GM, Clemons NJ, Peppelenbosch MP. Hoxa13 in Etiology and Oncogenic Potential of Barrett's Esophagus. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):3354.
Kamp E, Dinjens WNM, Doukas M, Bruno MJ, de Jonge PJF, Peppelenbosch MP, de Vries AC. Optimal Tissue Sampling During Ercp and Emerging Molecular Techniques for the Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Biliary Strictures. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2021;14:17562848211002023.
Kamp E, Peppelenbosch MP, Doukas M, Verheij J, Ponsioen CY, van Marion R, Bruno MJ, Koerkamp BG, Dinjens WNM, de Vries AC. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis-Associated Cholangiocarcinoma Demonstrates High Intertumor and Intratumor Heterogeneity. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2021;12(10):e00410.
Kanis SL, Modderman S, Escher JC, Erler N, Beukers R, de Boer N, Bodelier A, Depla A, Dijkstra G, van Dijk ARM, Gilissen L, Hoentjen F, Jansen JM, Kuyvenhoven J, Mahmmod N, Mallant-Hent RC, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, Noruzi A, Oldenburg B, Oostenbrug LE, Ter Borg PCJ, Pierik M, Romberg-Camps M, Thijs W, West R, de Lima A, van der Woude CJ, Initiative on C, Colitis. Health Outcomes of 1000 Children Born to Mothers with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Their First 5 Years of Life. Gut. 2021;70(7):1266-74.
Karabegovic I, Portilla-Fernandez E, Li Y, Ma J, Maas SCE, Sun D, Hu EA, Kuhnel B, Zhang Y, Ambatipudi S, Fiorito G, Huang J, Castillo-Fernandez JE, Wiggins KL, de Klein N, Grioni S, Swenson BR, Polidoro S, Treur JL, Cuenin C, Tsai PC, Costeira R, Chajes V, Braun K, Verweij N, Kretschmer A, Franke L, van Meurs JBJ, Uitterlinden AG, de Knegt RJ, Ikram MA, Dehghan A, Peters A, Schottker B, Gharib SA, Sotoodehnia N, Bell JT, Elliott P, Vineis P, Relton C, Herceg Z, Brenner H, Waldenberger M, Rebholz CM, Voortman T, Pan Q, Fornage M, Levy D, Kayser M, Ghanbari M. Epigenome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of DNA Methylation with Coffee and Tea Consumption. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):2830.
Kempeneers MA, Issa Y, Ahmed Ali U, Bruno MJ, van Geenen EJM, van Hooft JE, Romkens TEH, Siersema PD, Spanier BWM, Yahya I, DeVries JH, Besselink MG, van Santvoort HC, Boermeester MA, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. A Classification Algorithm for Types of Diabetes in Chronic Pancreatitis Using Epidemiological Characteristics: Outcome of a Longitudinal Cohort Study. Pancreas. 2021;50(10):1407-14.
Kirkegaard-Klitbo DM, Bendtsen F, Lundgren J, de Knegt RJ, Kofoed KF, Nielsen SD, Benfield T. Increased Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis in People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus without Viral Hepatitis Compared to Population Controls. J Infect Dis. 2021;224(3):443-52.
Koopmann BDM, Harinck F, Kroep S, Konings I, Naber SK, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Fockens P, van Hooft JE, Cahen DL, van Ballegooijen M, Bruno MJ, de Kok I. Identifying Key Factors for the Effectiveness of Pancreatic Cancer Screening: A Model-Based Analysis. Int J Cancer. 2021;149(2):337-46.
Kooyker AI, Toes-Zoutendijk E, Opstal-van Winden AWJ, Buskermolen M, van Vuuren HJ, Kuipers EJ, van Kemenade FJ, Ramakers C, Dekker E, Nagtegaal ID, de Koning HJ, Spaander MCW, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, van Leerdam ME. Colonoscopy-Related Mortality in a Fecal Immunochemical Test-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Program. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021;19(7):1418-25.
Kortlever TL, de Jonge L, Wisse PHA, Seriese I, Otto-Terlouw P, van Leerdam ME, Spaander MCW, Dekker E, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I. The National Fit-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in the Netherlands During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Prev Med. 2021;151:106643.
Krassenburg LAP, Maan R, Ramji A, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Wedemeyer H, de Knegt RJ, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA, de Man RA, Feld JJ, van der Meer AJ. Clinical Outcomes Following Daa Therapy in Patients with Hcv-Related Cirrhosis Depend on Disease Severity. J Hepatol. 2021;74(5):1053-63.
Kuscuoglu D, Bewersdorf L, Wenzel K, Gross A, Kobazi Ensari G, Luo Y, Kilic K, Hittatiya K, Golob-Schwarzl N, Leube RE, Preisinger C, George J, Metwally M, Eslam M, Lampertico P, Petta S, Mangia A, Berg T, Boonstra A, Brouwer WP, Abate ML, Loglio A, Sutton A, Nahon P, Schaefer B, Zoller H, Aigner E, Trautwein C, Haybaeck J, Strnad P. Dual Proteotoxic Stress Accelerates Liver Injury Via Activation of P62-Nrf2. J Pathol. 2021;254(1):80-91.
Kuttner-Magalhaes R, Pimentel-Nunes P, Araujo-Martins M, Libanio D, Borges-Canha M, Marcos-Pinto R, Koch AD, Dinis-Ribeiro M. Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (Esd): How Do Western Endoscopists Value Animal Models? Scand J Gastroenterol. 2021;56(4):492-7.
Kwakman JA, Erler NS, Vos MC, Bruno MJ. Risk Evaluation of Duodenoscope-Associated Infections in the Netherlands Calls for a Heightened Awareness of Device-Related Infections: A Systematic Review. Endoscopy. 2021.
Kwakman JA, Rauwers AW, Klaassen CHW, Bruno MJ, Vos MC. Investigation of Possible Transmission of a Susceptible Microorganism through a Contaminated Duodenoscope; a Case Report. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2021;10(1):127.
Lantinga MA, Theunissen F, Ter Borg PCJ, Bruno MJ, Ouwendijk RJT, Siersema PD, Trans ITfsg. Correction: Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Netherlands: Analysis of a Prospective Endoscopy Database. Endoscopy. 2021;53(2):C11.
Lantinga MA, Theunissen F, Ter Borg PCJ, Bruno MJ, Ouwendijk RJT, Siersema PD, Trans ITfsg. Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Netherlands: Analysis of a Prospective Endoscopy Database. Endoscopy. 2021;53(2):166-70.
Latenstein AEJ, Mackay TM, van Huijgevoort NCM, Bonsing BA, Bosscha K, Hol L, Bruno MJ, van Coolsen MME, Festen S, van Geenen E, Groot Koerkamp B, Hemmink GJM, de Hingh I, Kazemier G, Lubbinge H, de Meijer VE, Molenaar IQ, Quispel R, van Santvoort HC, Seerden TCJ, Stommel MWJ, Venneman NG, Verdonk RC, Besselink MG, van Hooft JE, Dutch Pancreatic Cancer G. Nationwide Practice and Outcomes of Endoscopic Biliary Drainage in Resectable Pancreatic Head and Periampullary Cancer. HPB (Oxford). 2021;23(2):270-8.
Li Y, Miao Z, Li P, Zhang R, Kainov DE, Ma Z, de Man RA, Peppelenbosch MP, Pan Q. Ivermectin Effectively Inhibits Hepatitis E Virus Replication, Requiring the Host Nuclear Transport Protein Importin Alpha1. Arch Virol. 2021;166(7):2005-10.
Libanio D, Rodrigues JR, Bento MJ, Ebigbo A, Messman H, Verhoeven RHA, Van Damme N, Bisschops R, Spaander MCW, Dinis-Ribeiro M. Gastric Cancer Incidence and Mortality Trends 2007-2016 in Three European Countries. Endoscopy. 2021.
Liu J, Ayada I, Zhang X, Wang L, Li Y, Wen T, Ma Z, Bruno MJ, de Knegt RJ, Cao W, Peppelenbosch MP, Ghanbari M, Li Z, Pan Q. Estimating Global Prevalence of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease in Overweight or Obese Adults. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021.
Liu WY, Zhang X, Li G, Tang LJ, Zhu PW, Rios RS, Zheng KI, Ma HL, Wang XD, Pan Q, de Knegt RJ, Valenti L, Ghanbari M, Zheng MH. Protective Association of Klotho Rs495392 Gene Polymorphism against Hepatic Steatosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients. Clin Mol Hepatol. 2021.
Maan R, Darwish Murad S, van der Meer AJ. Letter to the Editor: Effects of Early Placement of Transjugular Portosystemic Shunts in Patients with High-Risk Acute Variceal Bleeding: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data. Gastroenterology. 2021;161(1):371-2.
Maan R, Sonneveld MJ. Editorial: Stratifying Risk of Adverse Outcomes in Cirrhosis: The Hepquant Shunt Test. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2021;53(8):939-40.
Maan R, van der Meer AJ. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hcc) Risk Stratification after Virological Cure for Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv)-Induced Cirrhosis: Time to Refine Predictive Models. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr. 2021;10(3):385-7.
Marta K, Gede N, Szakacs Z, Solymar M, Hegyi PJ, Tel B, Eross B, Vincze A, Arvanitakis M, Boskoski I, Bruno MJ, Hegyi P. Combined Use of Indomethacin and Hydration Is the Best Conservative Approach for Post-Ercp Pancreatitis Prevention: A Network Meta-Analysis. Pancreatology. 2021;21(7):1247-55.
Mattos AZ, Debes JD, Boonstra A, Vogel A, Mattos AA. Immune Aspects of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: From Immune Markers for Early Detection to Immunotherapy. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2021;13(9):1132-43.
Mommersteeg MC, Nieuwenburg SAV, den Hollander WJ, Holster L, den Hoed CM, Capelle LG, Tang TJ, Anten MP, Prytz-Berset I, Witteman EM, Ter Borg F, Burger JPW, Doukas M, Bruno MJ, Peppelenbosch MP, Fuhler GM, Kuipers EJ, Spaander MCW. Accuracy of Upper Endoscopies with Random Biopsies to Identify Patients with Gastric Premalignant Lesions Who Can Safely Be Exempt from Surveillance. Gastric Cancer. 2021;24(3):680-90.
Mulder MB, de Man RA, Kamar N, Durmaz G, de Bruijne J, Vanwolleghem T, Izopet J, Gandia P, van der Eijk AA, van Gelder T, Hesselink DA, de Winter BCM. Determining the Therapeutic Range for Ribavirin in Transplant Recipients with Chronic Hepatitis E Virus Infection. J Viral Hepat. 2021;28(2):431-5.
Nass KJ, van der Schaar PJ, van der Vlugt M, Ledeboer M, van Esch AAJ, van der Beek S, Lacle MM, van Leerdam ME, Ouwendijk RJT, Spaander MCW, Wouters M, Fockens P, Dekker E. Continuous Monitoring of Colonoscopy Performance in the Netherlands: First Results of a Nationwide Registry. Endoscopy. 2021.
Nieuwenburg SAV, Mommersteeg MC, Eikenboom EL, Yu B, den Hollander WJ, Holster IL, den Hoed CM, Capelle LG, Tang TJ, Anten MP, Prytz-Berset I, Witteman EM, Ter Borg F, Burger JPW, Bruno MJ, Fuhler GM, Peppelenbosch MP, Doukas M, Kuipers EJ, Spaander MCW. Factors Associated with the Progression of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study. Endosc Int Open. 2021;9(3):E297-E305.
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Dissertations 2021
08-01-2021. Fiorella Murillo Perez. 21-01-2020. Louisa van Dijk. Prognostic factors for clinical outcome in patients with primary biliary cholangitis. Supervisors: H.J. Metselaar, H.L.A. Janssen. Co-supervisor: B.E. Hansen.
27-01-2021. Joany Kreijne. Safety and Efficacy of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment: a challenging balance. Supervisor: C.J. van der Woude. Copromotoren: A.C. de Vries, K.H.N. de Boer.
12-05-2021. Jorn Goet. Risk stratification in primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Supervisor: H.J. Metselaar. Co-supervisors: B.E. Hansen, H.R. van Buuren.
13-10-2021. Steffi van de Ven. Diagnosis and treatment of early esophageal carcinoma and second primary tumors in the upper aerodigestive tract. Supervisor: M.J. Bruno. Co-supervisor: A.D. Koch.
16-11-2021. Jose Debes. Hepatocellular carcinoma: the interconnection of epidemiology, immunopathogenesis and treatment. Supervisor: R.A. de Man. Co-supervisor: A. Boonstra.
17-11-2021. Janine van der Giessen. Pregnancy and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, perspectives from bench and bedside. Supervisors: C.J. van der Woude, M.P. Peppelenbosch. Copromotor: G.M. Fuhler.